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Exceeding Above and Beyond Expectations
UGMS students in class, some are using laptops, while others use notebooks.

At Union Grove Middle, we provide teaching and learning experiences that promote opportunities and access that strive towards success for all students in a global society.

Our Mission, Vision, & Belief

Stories & Highlights

Union Grove Excellence

We can't hide our UG Pride!

At Union Grove Middle School, we provide a diverse array of clubs and organizations designed to inspire and engage our students. From academic and creative expression clubs to activities for sports enthusiasts, there is something for every student.

At Union Grove Middle School, we keep families and the community connected through our school newsletters.

At Union Grove Middle School, we are elevating achievements for students through advanced courses. Students can take courses to receive high school credits in areas such as mathematics, science, and Spanish.

We love our teachers and staff and recognize one teacher and staff member monthly.

We recognize students monthly for academic excellence and outstanding citizenship.

PBIS - Whole Child Focused- We strive to help students reach their full potential by prioritizing students' academic, social, emotional, physical, and mental needs. Students are allowed daily recess and special activities monthly.

Union Grove Community