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 Mrs. Kim Norwood

Assistant Principal

Areas of Responsibility: 8th Grade Administrator, 504 Administrator

            My educational philosophy is that an effective leader must be guided by a distinctive set of beliefs about them self. My personal philosophy has been developed through a variety of life experiences. From my childhood, young adult years, college student, teacher and administrator, I have seen how powerful education and learning can affect the lives of young people. A guiding quote I would like to share from Aristotle is "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

            I envision a school as a place where students can learn, teachers can teach, and everyone is committed to the “habit of excellence.”  Our parents, teachers, staff, students, community members, and administrators are co-owners of the school and should work together to improve achievement.  As an administrator, my goal is to insure all students have access to receive a quality education.  


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