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2024 Nominees

Jen Lewis

Jen Lewis

Hello, UGMS! I am Jen Lewis, parent of one 6th grade student and one 7th grade student. I very much hope to be on School Council. I think it is crucial to be involved in School Council and help spread the message in our community about what an amazing school, incredible teachers and staff, and impressive kids we have!

I am the Chief Public Defender for Henry County and I dedicate my life to helping others. It is my calling, and I am so proud to be an integral part of our court system and community. I also really love fashion, especially shoes! My husband is a 24-year veteran Spanish teacher at UGHS, as well as an assistant recreational lacrosse coach. We have lived in Henry County since 2007. Our family has a life full of studies, sports, activities, fun and a lot of love!

I hope you will vote for me for School Council. I’ll be a great advocate for our school! Thank you.