Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Team
UGMS Reading Bowl Team
Sponsor: Heather Roberts, Media Specialist
Join the team!
The Reading Bowl team is a club of students that read books in preparation for the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl competition, which is usually held in January. Five students and five alternates are selected to move forward to the competition. In order to make the competition team, students must meet the following criteria:
- Have regular attendance at club practices.
- Read 8 out of 10 of the Georgia Book Award finalists.
- Write 25 questions and answers for each book read.
- Complete book projects given.
- Participate during practices.
- Pass book quizzes.
- Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the books read.
Students receive scorecards that tally up their total points that meet the criteria. The top five are selected for the competition team along with alternates. Alternates are allowed to participate in at least one round of the competition. The competition is done quiz-bowl style where teams from different schools across the district compete against each other for the championship. Even if students do not make the competition team, they will enjoy getting to know fellow teammates, rich conversation surrounding books, and opportunities that help them grow as readers and critical thinkers.