UGM Library Media blog
Welcome to Safe Online:
a blog for parents from the UGM Library Media Center
This blog is to help you, as a parent, not only to keep your children safe online, but to also be aware of the reliable resources available to support our students' information and reading needs. Click on the button below to access Safe Online Blog.
Safe Online for Parents, is part of the UGMS Library Media Center's mission to provide and promote reliable informational resources. As a librarian media specialist a large part of my job is to ensure our students have access to reliable information, and know how to protect themselves from misinformation and harm when on the open internet.
Access to reliable resources is provided on our Library Media Center website, available 24/7. These resources include thousands of articles and photos in hundreds of newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, videos, eBooks and verified websites. There are also: how-to instructions; resources for specific projects like science fair; services, such as putting a book on hold; links to Henry Public Library and much more.
Educating children is a collaboration between the school and the caretakers in our children's lives. There's a mountain of information on keeping our children safe online, with much detail. A simple, straightforward list to start with is 7 Steps to Good Digital Parenting.
Author Jason Reynolds explains the mission of school libraries eloquently in this video.
Alice Murphy
Librarian Media Specialist
UGMS Library Media Center