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How to Do Research 

Check out our subject pathfinders.


 1. Start by defining your search - what are you researching?
                                         Have an assigned topic = you are ready to begin, skip down to #2
              Need to find a topic?  Look for topics that interest you but find one with enough information! A good way to do this is to search in GALILEO.  

2Start your research with reliable reference sources, like the databases below in  GALILEO  

Encyclopaedia Britannica 
SIRS Discoverer

Rememer to always cite your sources to identify where found your information. Click on  Citing Your Sources for websites that will create the bibliographic citations for you, but you must type in the correct info
Use GALILEO instead of Google to find reliable information in articles, books, images, videos, primary sources, websites, TV transcripts, etc. and with bibliographic citations ready to copy and paste.
  If you have any problems finding something, don't hesitate to e-mail Ms Roberts, the media specialist.