Competition/Football Cheerleading
Welcome to the 24-25 Football/Competition
Cheerleading Team!!
Uniform fitting and parents meeting Monday, April 29, 2024. Fitting is at 4:30 and parents' meeting will follow.
If you have any questions, please email Coach Miesel.
DragonFly Max Instruction Flier
UGMS Football Cheers
1. Are you ready for?
2. Let’s GO (L-E-T-S-G-0)
3. U-G-M-S We are the best
4. Impressive
5. G-O Let’s Go Grove
6. Spirit (Let’s hear it)
7. Fight to win
8. Fired up
9. G-R-O xx V-E
10. Let’s Go Wolverines
11. To the G to the O
12.Go-Go GO Wolverines
13. BEAT beat the ___beat the ___Go…Fight…Win
14. Let’s go maroon and white…U-G-M-S lets fight, fight, fight.
15. GO-GO G-O beat those____
16. Stomp and Shake it
17. Here we go, UG
18. B-E-A-T…Be the ____
19. It's great to be a Union Grove Wolverine
20. Victory
22. Action
23. Fire it up XX fire it up to win
1. O-F-F-E-N-S-E
2. T-D we wanna touchdown
3. We got the ball
First and ten---do it again
4. Score wolverines Score
5. Move it, Move it, For 6 more points
2. A-T-T-A-C-K
3. Defense take it back----defense take that ball back
4. H-O-L-D HOLD’EM Wolverines HOLD’EM
5. Hey Hey what do you say
6. T-A—K-E take that ball away
Please click here to access the football sideline cheers. Each cheerleader should have these memorized (words and motions). This is my expectation because we are a team. If one individual does not have this done, it affects the whole team, so please make sure you are working hard on this.
Go Grove!