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2024 REACH Scholarship Information

REACH Scholarship Parent Notice

Dear Parents,

We are excited to announce the launch of the Realizing Educational Achievement Can Happen (REACH) Scholarship Program, designed to support and encourage students in their educational journey. The scholars will be in the program until they graduate high school, if they meet eligibility requirements each year. Each REACH scholar will receive $10,000 (upon high school graduation & maintaining eligibility) towards tuition at their chosen college or university. Moreover, there are some colleges and universities that will match the funding. The REACH Georgia Scholarship is a tremendous opportunity to support families in reaching post-secondary attainment without the financial barrier. REACH applications are available in the front office and the counseling suite.

Key Details:

  • Eligibility: The REACH Scholarship is open to students in 8th who meet the following criteria:
    • Be a U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen for 12 consecutive months prior to the first day of classes of the spring term of the REACH Scholar’s 7th grade school year.
    • Demonstrate financial need (see Page 2 of attached application). 
    • Have attained grades of "C" or better in core courses for the past two reporting periods (semester system).
    • Not be truant.
    • Have a behavior record that reflects no more than two total combined Level I and/or Level II disciplinary infractions. 
    • Not have any out-of-school suspensions in the past two semesters or four quarters.
    • Not have any criminal and/or drug convictions.
  • Application Process: To apply for the REACH Scholarship, students must complete the following:
    • Submit a completed application form with financial need proof attached (to the counseling suite).
    • Provide a personal statement outlining their educational and career goals.
    • Obtain two letters of recommendation from teachers or community leaders.
    • Include a copy of their most recent academic transcript.
  • Deadline: All application materials must be submitted by September 6, 2024.
  • Award Amount: The scholarship award will be $10,000.
  • After Application Submission:
    • All applications will be screened & reviewed for eligibility. Please only send completed applications, including income verification and number of people in the household.
    • If the student meets eligibility after the screening process, they will be contacted to participate in an interview with a community, business, or college partner.
    • After all scores have been tallied from the interviews, the top scholars will be notified.
    • There will be a REACH Signing Day Ceremony for the scholars, tentatively scheduled for November 14, 2024, 6:00 pm at the HCS Board Auditorium.
    • Each student will be paired with a mentor who will visit the school or virtual meetings at least 6 times per semester.
    • Each student will have an Academic Coach to monitor their academic progress.

Important Dates:

  • Application Period Opens: August 27, 2024
  • Application Deadline: September 6, 2024
  • Interview Dates: October 2, 2024, and October 3, 2024
  • REACH Signing Day: November 14, 2024

Please discuss this opportunity with your child and assist them with the application process. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Price at or visit our website at

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child’s educational achievements. I look forward to reviewing the detailed and completed applications.


Ashley Price, Ed.S., NCC
Professional School Counselor
Union Grove Middle School