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Survival Tips for Middle School Transition

Welcome to Union Grove Middle School!

Middle School is a great opportunity to meet new people and begin to explore who you are and what you want to do with the rest of your life.  It can also be a difficult time, as there are a lot of things that are changing in your life.  You are meeting new people and there are more choices and decisions to make.  Instead of being in one or two classrooms with one or two teachers all day you now have 6 teachers in 6 different classrooms.  Teachers will expect more of you and your parents will too.  You will be faced with more repsonsibilities.  Here are a few tips to help you with the middle school transition.  Don't be afraid to ask your parents, teachers, counselors, and staff for help.
1. Get Organized
   -Use your agenda every day!
   -Use folders and notebooks for each subject.
   -Keep your locker and backpack neat and organized.
   -Use different color folders for each class.
2.  Do your homework
   -Schedule your time wisely.  Allot a certain amount of time each day for homework and study.
   -Don't wait until an assignment is due--start early.
   -Keep track of your homework assignments by writing them in your agenda each day.
3.  Talk to your teachers
   -Ask questions, ask questions, ask questions.
   -If you are unsure about your assignments or don't understand something ask your teachers for more information.
   -Your teachers are here to help you.
4.  Get involved
   -Find things you enjoy and join in.
   -Attend sporting events, school dances, join a club, run for Student Government.
   -Getting involved is a great way to meet new people and to have fun.
5.  Get good grades
   -Turn classwork and homework in on time.
   -Write test and quiz dates in your agenda, as well as assignment and project due dates.
   -If you start to fall behind talk with your teachers and counselor about ways to catch up.
   -Visit the Study Skills and Test Taking Tips page located on the Counseling webpage.
6.  Stay healthy
   -Set a regular bed time.  You need at least 9 hours of sleep each night in middle school.
   -Avoid drinking caffinated beverages late in the evening.
   -Exercise regularly.
   -Eat a good breakfast before school.
7.  Talk to your parents.  Let them know how your day went, what is going on at school, what you are learning and what you need help with.
8.  Find an adult you trust to talk to when you have a problem.
9.  Choose your friends wisely.  Define yourself!  Don't let others define you.
10.  Come to school and have fun!