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Classroom Procedures, Expectations, and Consequences

Classroom Expectations

1. Enter class silently and calmly The first five minutes of class is silent. Enter silently, check the Agenda, the assignment basket, and start on your warm-up. Class begins when I shut the door. If you are not in class at this time, you are tardy and will need a pass to enter. 

2. Speak respectfully:

  • Talking is not acceptable during class instructions, lecture time, tests, quizzes, announcements, or when another classmate is  speaking.  You will have plenty of time to talk during certain times of each class, and you will be expected to participate verbally, but please be respectful during these non-speaking times. When it is time to be silent, I expect your silence.
  • Refrain (stop; avoid) from using inappropriate, vulgar language. Cease from using racial slurs (the ‘n’ word or any other profane utterance (verbal expression).

3. Dress Respectfully: Do not wear hoods or hats at any time in class or out of class. Follow the Henry County dress code at all times.

4. Move Respectfully: You may move about the classroom when you have been given permission. 

5. Drink Water: You may have water in the classroom in the form of a water bottle. If you do not have a water bottle, please try to get water during class transitions.

6. No Eating: Food/snacks/candy are not permitted.

7. No Cell Phone Zone: Cell phones should not be seen or heard in the classroom or hallway during the school day. Cell phones should be stored in lockers. Cell phones are not permitted to be seen or heard in class or in the hallway during the school day. Any time a cell phone is seen or heard will result in a Level 2 behavior consequence.

8. Use Chromebooks appropriately at all times: Use Chromebooks for school-related purposes only.

9. Emergency Restroom Breaks:To leave the room for emergency restroom breaks, you must sign out on the sign-out sheet in the classroom. Excessive time out of class will result in direct and indirect consequences. 

10. Bad hair, don't care: Personal grooming in the classroom is not permitted.

11. Be respectful of all adults, classmates, & property to ensure an optimum learning environment. You are accountable for all handbook policies.

Classroom Procedures

1. The Beginning of Class:

  • Enter class calmly and silently using the most direct route to your seat.
  • Grab the assignment for the day from the basket if applicable.
  • SHARPEN your pencil BEFORE class starts. You will not be able to sharpen your pencil during instruction time unless you have a handheld sharpener.
  • Sit in your assigned seat
  • Begin working on any warm-up or introductory task.
  • Read the agenda.

2. Exiting:

  • Clean up your area.
  • I will dismiss you, not the bell.
  • Exit class calmly and silently. 

3. Movement: Raise your hand for any kind of movement in class (sharpening your pencil, getting a tissue, etc.). 

4. Partner/Group work:

  • Work respectfully with your partner or group. 
  • Do your part by fulfilling the role you are given.
  • No horse playing, excessive joking, or distracting behavior.

5. Backpack: Your backpack should be left in your locker once it is issued.

6. Written Assignments: Must be written on top of all papers: Name (First and Last), Date, Period.

7. Assessment Days:

  • Once the tests are handed out/assigned, THERE WILL BE NO TALKING.
  • Complete disregard of this rule will be considered as cheating and you will receive a zero.
  • Per the handbook, cell phones must be in your locker.
  • Start when directed.
  • When finished, turn in the test and remain silent.

8. Visitors: Always be respectful.

9. Trash:

  • Put all of your trash in the trash can AT THE END OF CLASS ON YOUR WAY OUT.
  • Do not get up to do this during class unless permission has been granted.

10. Dismissal: My expectation is for you to work until I dismiss you. Please do not leave your seat until I dismiss you.

Negative Consequences

(when you don't follow classroom rules/procedures)

Step 1: Warning

Step 2: Citation 1 + Parent Contact

Step 3: Citation 2 + Parent Contact + Silent lunch

Step 4: Citation 3 + Parent Contact + Behavior Reflection

Step 5: Citation 4 + Parent Contact + Office Referral

Step 6: Citation 5 + Parent Contact + Parent Conference with team

Step 7: Citation 6 + Parent Contact + Office Referral #2

**Severe disruption or breaking of rules will result in an immediate referral.


Positive Consequences

What happens when you follow classroom procedures and instructions?

You will frequently receive:

  1. Smiles and verbal praise
  2. Positive notes home
  3. Student of the week
  4. High Fives

If you exhibit behavior on a regular basis that is in alignment with the Wolverine Way, you will be able to participate in school activities such as field trips, social hour, and pep rallies. You could be recognized by your teachers with the student of the month award.