Chorus Uniform Polo Shirt Order Link
Chorus students should be dressed in their concert uniform. The uniform consists of the UGMS Fine Arts Polo that can be purchased through MySchoolBucks, black pants (not leggings, jeans, etc.) or a long black skirt (below the knees) and solid black shoes. Shoes should be closed toe and closed heel.
Shirt orders should be placed by Friday, August 25 through this link:
Fine Arts Polo Shirt Order Link
I know circumstances can be difficult sometimes. Please email me if this causes financial hardship for your family. I'll be happy to make an alternate arrangement with you.
If a returning chorus student needs a larger size, send in a handwritten note and the original polo shirt in clean and good condition. The note should include the following information:
1. Student First and Last Name
2. Student Grade Level
3. New shirt size requested
I will order the new size in exchange for the old shirt at no additional cost to you. This process also needs to be completed by Monday, August 22.