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Welcome to the
Union Grove Middle School Orchestra!
Sam Lowder, Director
Please email me at slowder@henry.k12.ga.us if you have any questions!
**For information on how to receive TEXT reminders from Mr. Lowder, please click here: Remind Texts
The Union Grove Middle School Orchestra is one of the finest programs available to your child and enrolls students in grades 6, 7, and 8. The UGMS Orchestra was awarded the GMEA Exemplary Performance Award in 2010 and was also selected to perform at the GMEA In-Service Conferences in 2010 and 2016. UGMS Orchestras have consistently earned Superior ratings at GMEA District VI Large Group Performance Evaluations in concert performances and sight reading. In addition, UGMS Orchestra students have performed at the Governor's Mansion Holiday Celebration, the Stars Performance Program at Universal Studios in Orlando, the Carowinds Festival of Music, and the Disney You're Instrumental Performance Workshop in Orlando. Select students have participated in the GMEA District VI Solo & Ensemble Performance Evaluations as well as the Georgia All-State Orchestras and District Honor Orchestras.
Click on the image below for more information: