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GAMA Club  

"We serve to further knowledge." 
Sponsor: Ms. Roberts  
The Georgia Association of Media Assistants (GAMA) Club promotes citizenship and leadership through service and activities. Membership is open to all students in all grades as long as students have passing grades, no behavior issues and are able to meet at least once a week during IF.
GAMA Club members are trained in basic organizational, technical and research skills to help online and in the library media center and the classrooms. These tasks are not limited to, but include:
  • Supporting teachers in the classroom by helping other students use technology effectively. To accomplish this, GAMA students must complete training in:
    • using the library website to find books, online research and other library media services,
    • using Google Suite, MS Office & other programs used in our school
  • Create videos, posters, etc. to promote the book fair, reading, instructional videos, etc.
  • Shelve/repair books, maintain bulletin boards & display cases, help with book fair & other fundraisers.