Junior Beta Club
Union Grove Middle School
Junior Beta Club
promote scholarship, leadership, and good citizenship at
Union Grove Middle School.
How do I apply?
A letter of Prospective Members was distributed to qualifying students to pick up an application from Ms. Chambers in Room 818, in addition to securing two teacher recommendations by Thursday, February 15th, 2024.
Information for Prospective Members and Parents.
What is BETA CLUB?
The National Beta Club is an honor organization that recognizes outstanding academic achievement, promotes strong moral character and social responsibility, encourages service to others, fosters leadership skills, and provides settings for you to develop strong interpersonal skills.
Who qualifies for membership in the UNION GROVE MIDDLE SCHOOL JUNIOR BETA CLUB?
Sixth, seventh and eighth-grade students with grades representing all A’s & B's (no C's), who also exemplify strong character and have maintained role model behavior are eligible to apply for membership in the Union Grove Junior Beta Club.
What are the requirements for membership?
The student must have an A & B average. Behavior- NO section 2-4 offenses/referrals; Section 1 offenses can result in probationary status.
Attendance – All members must attend 4 out of 5 meetings and must also have a minimum of 10 hours of community service each year.
What are the dues for members?
There is a fee of $50 for members new to junior high school BETA Club members and $25 for prior junior high school BETA Club members. Fees are collected prior to induction. Members and their parents/guardians will be notified of any fundraising, etc. in advance.
https://forms.gle/Yt3dqFPia5q5AGFBA OFFICER INTEREST FORM
https://forms.gle/Sdg3sJh3jdjnmaWZ6 SIGN IN/ATTENDANCE FORM