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Absences - Tardies - Check Outs

Absences – Tardies - Check Outs

Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes on time and each day.

  • Absence is defined as the non-attendance by a student in an approved regularly scheduled class, program or
    activity, regardless of the reason for such non-attendance. An exception is when a student participates in an
    approved program or activity (such as, but not limited to: field trips governed by Policy IFCB: Field Trips and
    Excursions, academic competition or approved athletic event), he/she may be excused from school, counted
    present, and shall be responsible for any work missed during the time he/she is away from school. See below
    descriptions for what may be considered an excused absence versus an unexcused absence.
  • Tardy is defined as the failure by a student to be in the assigned classroom or instructional space at the assigned
  • Check Out is defined as a student who reports to the school attendance office to leave class, the school, or an
    approved activity before the assigned time for the end of such class, school day, or approved activity.

On the first day students return/report to school (or classes) from an absence, parents should provide the school with a
written note explaining the reason for the absence. The note should include the date(s) of the absence, the reason(s) for
the absence, and the signature of the parent or of the doctor who treated the student. Parents may be asked to provide
additional documentation, such as medical documentation, by the principal or his/her designee for absences, tardies, and
check outs. Please see the section entitled “Truancy Intervention Meeting” in this Handbook for more information about
situations where a student has too many unexcused absences, tardies, or check outs.
Elementary students who are tardy or who check out should be accompanied by a parent into the front office to provide a
written explanation of the attendance transaction. Middle and high school students who are tardy or who check out early
must report to the school office and present a written explanation of the attendance transaction to include the parent’s
signature or medical documentation. The principal may implement a cut-off time for check outs to ensure a safe and
orderly school-wide dismissal. Only designated adults listed on the emergency card by the enrolling or authorized parent
will be permitted to check out a student. The designated adult must present a valid government-issued photo ID.
Parents are encouraged to make every effort to schedule doctor and dental appointments outside of school hours. Parents
should not check out students for the purpose of avoiding car-rider traffic. Disciplinary action may be taken against students
not in attendance for the full school day for reasons that cannot be excused.