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In-School Suspension (ISS) program

UGMS In-School Suspension (ISS) program

Students are sometimes assigned In-School Suspension by administrators, when they violate the Code of Conduct, as is outlined in the Henry County School District Student & Parent Handbook (Secondary Grades 6-12). The purpose of this page is to explain the purpose of ISS and specifically how UGMS' ISS program works.
UGMS ISS Instructor (2021-22) - Ms Jonta Tidwell


ISS Rationale
This program is designed to isolate students who violate certain school rules from their regularly assigned classrooms and school activities, while allowing students the opportunity to progress with classroom assignments. While assigned to ISS, students may not participate in or attend any extracurricular activity, including athletic participation and other school events. If students violate any rule of the ISS program, they may be suspended from the program and from school for the remaining number of days that they were assigned to ISS or be assigned additional days of ISS. 


  • Students in ISS are not deprived of an educational experience. They can continue to receive assignments and  academic support while they are excluded from class and school activities.
  • Students can receive advisement designed to help them change their inappropriate behaviors.
  • ISS provides structure, support, and supervision to students during a time when they would otherwise be outside of the sphere of adult influence and guidance.
  • ISS helps to reduce the number of out of school suspensions. ISS can help to reduce the effects suspensions can have on the dropout rate.
  • ISS can provide a needed “cooling-off” period when a student has had a conflict with a peer or an adult.
  • Students with special needs can continue to receive needed accommodations.


Desired Outcomes of ISS


  • Reduce the number of out of school suspensions.
  • Provide academic support while disciplinary consequences are enacted.
  • Provide students with skills in conflict resolution.
  • Provide students with advisement and behavioral support.
  • Improve attendance.
  • Increase academic engagement and academic performance.
  • Improve school climate.