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Transportation Information

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Transportation Procedures for UGM 2022-2023

Arrival Procedures for All Students - Doors open at 8:15 am daily.

  • Students enrolled in the BSEP program can be dropped off as early as 7:30 am, to enter through the front doors of the building and checking in with the BSEP Coordinator. These students will then report to their BSEP teacher.

  • Students arriving between 8:15 am and 8:30 am will report to the gym.

  • If dropping off via the car rider lane in the front of the school, please be sure to pull fully down to the end of the building to drop off when weather conditions are clear. This helps to get as many cars in our parking lot and off East Lake Rd in the morning. Our highest volume of drop offs occur between 8:15 – 8:45 am, please follow the instructions of our personnel in the front to ensure we clear East Lake Road as well as our parking lot in an efficient manner.

  • Students arriving by bus after 8:30 am will need to check in with their homeroom teacher first, place their bookbag, cell phone, and belongings in their locker prior to going to breakfast.

  • Athletes will be allowed to drop their equipment off in the locker rooms upon arrival to school.

  • Students with an instrument will be allowed to drop off the instrument in the morning. The students will be allowed to enter the cafeteria and walk through the gym to the connections hallway then follow the arrows to the appropriate drop off room.

Afternoon Dismissal Procedures


Car Riders:

  • For the 2022-2023 school year, UGMS will be utilizing a number system for car riders.

  • Students will be assigned a car tag after parents have signed up for car rider transportation using the Google Form: 

  • Car rider tag sign-ups are also active on our school website. Please visit if you need to sign up for one, or speak with a member of our afternoon transportation team if you are in need.

  • Each car rider will receive two car tags for their vehicles, and one transportation tag per student that can be tied to the student’s book bag.

  • Parents who are picking up car riders cannot arrive on campus any earlier than 3:30 pm for car rider dismissal procedures. Note:  once the system begins to flow smoothly, somewhere around 4:20 pm, all car riders are dismissed to the front. The earliest we dismiss car riders is 4:00 pm. If you are arriving and parking on East Lake Road to be the first in line, you may be wasting two to three hours of your day to save 20 minutes. 

  • Only parents who have a yellow car rider tag are allowed on campus earlier than 3:30 pm, as they have students who are dismissed early per their program area requirements.

  • Starting at 3:45 pm, personnel will begin to direct parents onto campus, in the following format:

  1. The first 36-40 cars will be directed to the front of the building.

  2. The next 24-30 cars will be directed into the side parking lot by the bus lane.

  3. The remaining cars will be directed to the rear gravel parking lot and gate to await movement to the front or side parking lots.

  4. Some cars, depending on space available, may remain parked on Bryan’s Drive while waiting for more space to be made.

  • It is important to follow the directions of the personnel on where to go, when to move, and when to stop. Our staff will help guide you. If you feel lost, please ask a member of our team and we will help.

  • Inside, at 4:00 pm, students will be shown a transportation board in teacher classrooms. This board shows students which cars are parked in the front wave, the side wave, and in the waiting waves. Students should only exit the building when they see their name or car number displayed on the screen and the front office has called for their associated wave of car riders to be released.

  • Students will have phones powered off until 4:30 pm. Parents should not arrange for students to leave with walkers to the high school or elementary school (only students with parents or siblings at the elementary or high school should be walking when called), or to meet in one of the lots while circumventing this process. 

  • Once called, Wave 1 (front parking lot) and Wave 2 (side parking lot) will be released around 4:00 pm. As students enter cars, cars will exit these lots and make room for the waiting waves. When directed by personnel, cars in waiting will move up to the appropriate staging areas. When cars are set, the next waves of students will be called to their cars.

  • This process repeats until roughly 4:20-4:25 pm, depending on the amount of traffic, at which point all car rider students are released to the front of the building.

  • Access to the front parking lot will be closed between 3:15 pm and 4:25 pm. At 4:25 pm, remaining car rider parents should start using the front parking lot rather than entering Bryan’s Drive by the stadium.


Bus Riders:

Bus riders are similarly dismissed in waves of four buses at a time, in between dismissals for car riders in the afternoon. Students exit through the same doors they entered in the morning when they first arrived by bus.